Automne 1988

Bachelor’s students in fine arts, UQAM

Artists: Catherine Arcand, Raymonde Aubin, Guy Baillargeon, Michèle Barnabé, Michel Beaucage, Pierre Beauchemin, Francine Beaudin, Chrystian Beaudoin, Nathalie Bélanger, Alain Benoît, Anne-Marie Bentz, Manon Bertrand, Stéphane Boisclair, Serge Bonin, Alain Bouilhaud, Marie-Josée Cardin, Denise Cloutier, François Daigle, Suzanne De Carufel, Hugues Dugas, Lucille Dunberry, Carole Dupuis, Carole Duquette, Marie-France Gagné, Maryse Gagné, Anouchka Galouchko, Pierre Gamache, Elaine Gosselin, Jacky Lafargue, Camille Langevin, André Lavallée, Sylvain Léveillé, Lyette Limoges, Marc Meilland, Andrée Millette, François Myre, Marie Pedneault, David Perun, Nathalie Richer, Marie Thérésa Roddriguez-Freire, Robin Rousseau, Diane Royer, Marc-André Soucy, Louise St-Jean, Diane Trudel, Elena Varalta, Marie Villeneuve, Marie-André Wallot, Denis Young

December 16, 1988 - December 23, 1988

Opening: December 15, 1988, 8:00 pm

Four students received scholarships during the Automne 88 exhibition, which brings together the works of undergraduate students in the visual arts program of UQAM. Of 249 submitted artworks, 49 were selected to be part of the exhibition presented at the Galerie de l’UQAM from December 16 to 23, 1988.

Jacky Lafargue and David Perun both received the McAbbie scholarship, while Denise Cloutier and Marc Meilland received the Loomis & Toles drawing scholarships.